Selasa, 27 Oktober 2015

#ENGLISHDAYS2015 Rules of Newscast Competition


General Rules

  1. Every participant in this competition must be a senior high school student.
  2. The contents and materials used in this competition originated from the committee.
  3. Participants should remain outside the performing room that is designated by the committee until they are called to perform their news.
  4. Participants are not allowed to watch other participants’ performance.
  5. Every participant should be registered before the competition starts (at least 30 minutes earlier).
  6. Every participant or representative has to attend the Technical Meeting on the day.
  7. Dress accordingly for every round: formal dressed (includes shirt, pants, and shoes. Blazer and tie (men) are preferable) and semi formal dressed.
  8. Each participant will be called 3 times when their turn comes before considered as walk out.
  9. Every Participant will choose the news when the Committee already called the name of participant.
  10. Every participant should make their own opening and closing sentence.
  11. All judges'/adjudicators' decisions and results inside Result Sheets are considered as final.
  12. Properties categorized as sharp tools or dangerous weapons, liquids or powders that can litter performing room are prohibited.
  13. All participants should respect and appreciate every judgment from the judges.

Times of the Performance

  1. Timing will begin with the first word uttered by the contestant which would includes any other communication such as sound effects, a staged act, etc.
  2. The maximum time for delivering their news varies in each round. If a participant exceeds the performing time given, they will be deducted every 30 seconds of the exceeding time.
  3. Time keeper shall provide warning signals to the participants by clap his/her hands. First clap is one minute remaining

Competition Sytem


  1. The materials for the competition consist of news. The main news materials will given in small letters without reading marks.
  2. Every Participant will read 1 news in the preliminary round.
  3. The maximum duration of each participant performance is 5 minutes (include opening and closing sentence).
  4. Preparation Time for this round is 2 minutes.
  5. Dress Code: Formal

SEMI FINAL ROUND (Sport News) – tag team

  1. The materials for the competition consist of 2 news letters. The main news materials will given in small letters without reading marks.
  2. The Semi Finalist will be divided into 5 groups. Each group consist of 2 Participant. Every group must deliver 2 news in pairs.
  3. Preparation Time for this round is 3 minutes.
  4. The maximum duration is 8 minutes (include opening, closing sentence).
  5. The scoring will be individual and includes the collaboration of each participant.
  6. Dress Code: Semi Formal

FINAL ROUND (News Reading+Weather forecast)

  1. The materials for the competition consist of news and Weather forecast. The main news materials will given in small letters without reading marks.
  2. For the weather forecast, the participants will get a picture of some region, which display degrees, weather, and etc. And the participant must illustrate that picture (weather forecast) to the judges.
  3. Every participant will read 1 news and present weather forecast in the Final round.
  4. The minimum duration of each participant performance is 5 minutes, and maximum 8 minutes (include opening, closing sentence, and weather forecast).
  5. Dress Code: Formal

Scoring Criteria

  1. Performance (Self Presentation, Confidence, Gesture, Mimic, Expression and Eye Contact)
  2. Material (Intonation, Articulation, Tempo, Timing, Clarity)
  3. Ability in English (Vocabulary, Grammar, Pronounciation, Fluency)
  4. Appearance (Neatness, Clothes, Make up)

TD Newscasting of ENGLISH DAYS

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